Last updated March 29, 2025. Visit the Catalog or the main Paintings page.
Paintings are listed from new to old, in two groups: Available and Gone.
Outer edges are painted, no frames needed. Ready to hang, with wire in place..
Number & Title | Price |
276. What Time Is It? | $1500 |
275. Mayan Codex | $1200 |
274. Scary Beach | $800 |
273. Halloween | $800 |
270. Funny Cars | $850 |
269. Curved Surfaces | $800 |
268. Cuttles for Barb | $900 |
267. Moo the Cuttle | $600 |
266. Farmers Market | $800 |
265. Riding the Flat Cow | $900 |
264. Kiss Me | $800 |
262. Online Dating | $750 |
261. Little People | $750 |
259. Bringing Home the Tiki | $600 |
258. Neuron #2 | $750 |
255. Larvae | $600 |
254. Stockholm | $600 |
252. Big Game | $800 |
251. Veronica's Merch | $750 |
250. Moonbow | $750 |
248. Yearn (Diptych) | $750 |
247. Empty Mind | $900 |
245. Elise | $650 |
242. Whoop-Di-Doo | $700 |
234. Cosmic Cliff | $700 |
232. Outside the Fillmore | $750 |
231. Galaxies | $600 |
226. Birding | $500 |
225. Saucer Clam, Anchor Shrimp, Conger Eel | $500 |
224. Golden Eyes | $600 |
223. Hailing a Ride | $500 |
219. The Teacher | $600 |
213. Birth | $500 |
212. High Five | $500 |
211. Minnows and Caustic Curves | $600 |
204. Escaping Death | $700 |
198. The Halo Card | $750 |
197. St. Georgia and the Dragon | $400 |
196. Healing Angel | $550 |
194. Pinchy's Big Date | $600 |
193. Pop's Pipes | $400 |
184. Hazmat Spring | $600 |
183. Pandemic #3: Peace | $600 |
182. Pandemic #2: Panic | $600 |
177. Rush Hour | $2,500 |
176. Ponytails | $600 |
175. Nine Dragons | $800 |
171. The Two Lovers Walk Their Dog | $2,000 |
174. Five Eggs | $650 |
173-1 and 173-2. Gems #1 and Gems #2 | $600 each |
168. Moonrise | $1,200 |
165. My Flag | $400 |
164. Dot the Eye | $400 |
162. People of the Red Saucer | $400 |
157. Manhattan | $400 |
156 Woomo Hunters | $500 |
155. Seela in the Hollow Earth | $500 |
154. Mason in the Hollow Earth | $600 |
150. Shrig and Krakens | $700 |
148. Forged Matisse | $2,500 |
145. Hooray! | $500 |
138. The Lost City of Leng | $2,500 |
131. Saucer Bagpipe | $1,500 |
130. The Flat Cow | $650 |
129. Sky Skirmish | $600 |
127. Diego's Hunhunahpu | $800 |
125. Saucer People | $600 |
124. X-Ray of Failed Hip Implant | $600 |
121. Dangerous Passage | $650 |
120. Saucer Hall | $650 |
115. Endless Road Trip | $650 |
108. Petroglyph Man | $650 |
106. All the Visions | $2,500 |
104. Woman With Jellyfish | $400 |
102. In Her Room | $650 |
99. The Mr. Normals vs. the Myoor | $400 |
94. Night of Telepathy | $2,500 |
90. Loulou and Skungy | $400 |
86. Rigging | $400 |
81. V-Bomb Blast | $400 |
79. A Skugger's Point of View | $2,500 |
77. Turing and the Skugs | $1,500 |
75. Nude Nabs UFO | $400 |
74. The Riviera | $1,500 |
72. Buddha and the Mouse | $400 |
67. First Contact | $3,500 |
65. Heart Exam | $400 |
61. Surf Pilgrim | $1,500 |
56. Man in Flame Car | $400 |
52. Pig Surprise | $400 |
45. Romeo and Juliet | $400 |
32. Giant's Head | $400 |
12. My Life in a Nutshell | $1,500 |
3. Saucer Wisdom | $3,000 |
Go to the Top of the price page, or visit the main Paintings page.
Sold to an Owner, or kept by my Family.
Number & Title | Belongs To |
272. Farewell | Family |
271. White Holes | Danielle Dass |
263. Moulin Rouge | Kathryn Cramer |
260. Cyberpunk Forever | Paul Jackson |
257. Bernal Hill on the Fourth | Penny Thomas |
256. In the Woods | Joel Reimnitz |
253. Neuron #1 | Ben Hollenstein |
249. The One | Kjell Otterness |
246. Saucer Eyes | Nick Herbert |
244. The Same Yet Changed I Rise Again | Julien Reschke |
243. Sylvia and the Shells | Family |
241. Math | Trevor Baumel |
240. Underground | Embry Rucker |
239. Saucer Island | Erich Schaefer |
238. Saucer Pals | Scott Lenihan |
237. New Glasses | Hans von Sichart |
236. Going to Heaven | Family |
235. Space Jellies | Michael Koch |
233. Saucer Party | Vanessa Berry |
230. Family Tree | Family |
229. Galactic Mail Dogs | Joel Reimnitz |
228. Arf's Dream | Family |
227. God is a Log | Vanessa von Bitter |
222. Los Gatos Hills | Lee & Susie Poague |
220 & 221. Oaks & Roots | Julian Reschke |
218. Covid: Third Year | Tervol Baumel |
217. Elephants | Amber & Robert Stern |
216. Calder Grabs Crab | Family |
215. Mr. Gray | Julien Reschke |
214. My Back Yard | Steve Rainwater |
210. Althea's Friends | Family
209. Self-Portrait with Mandelbrot UFO | Eamon Carrig |
208. Loplop | John Donald |
207. Beach Morning | Family |
206. Saucer School | Joel Ward |
205. Galactic Saucers | Chuck Shotton |
203. Invaders | Family |
202. The 5 Got Away | Family |
201. The Day We Met | John Dick |
200. Rendezvous | Sarah Bloom |
199. Zoom Meeting | Mike Gambone |
195. Two Lizards | Vanessa von Bitter |
192. Magnetic Fields of the Milky Way Galaxy | Chazz Martis |
191. Leaving Earth (Was 172: Moon Launch) | Alex Brown |
190. Bicyclist | Carol Neese |
189. With My Friends | Oliver Sutter |
188. Cells Eat Viruses | Samuel Chapman |
187. Astral Travel | Kyle Seifried. |
181. Pandemic #1: Infection | Trevor Baumel |
186. Night Bird of Paradise | Jim Buckmaster |
185. Happy Egg | Family |
180. Dino Balloon | Kris Sherman |
179. Magic Door | Bevin Kelley |
178. Neptune | Vernon Head |
170. Cute Meet (Diptych) | Janell Julian |
169. Mexico | Jim Buckmaster |
167. Wow | Family |
166. Young Acrobat With Silks | Family |
163. The Tyrant's Wife | Emily Skaftun |
161. Red Saucer | Scott Meissen |
160. Standing in the Stream | Chazz Martis |
159. Up Creek | Jon Pearce |
158. Delta Eyes | Chazz Martis |
153. Honeymoon | Julia Grillmayr |
152. Ants and Gems | Alan Borecky |
151. Ratfink Pollock | Casey Reas |
149. Riding a Nautilus | Bevin Kelley |
147. Bugs and Stars | Nathaniel Hellerstein |
146. Monkeybrains ISP | Family |
144. Pinata Diptych | Volker Stolz |
143. Wild West | Chazz Martis |
142. Alien Taxi | Michael Kilkenny |
141. Soft Zhabo | Mike Deem |
140. Origin of Life | Philippe E. |
139. Antarctia | Family |
137. The Elephant Bush | Family |
136. Red Scribble | William Denton |
135. Californians Request Secession | Family |
134. Tourists From Atlantis | Family |
133. "I Like Purple" | Lee & Susie Poague |
132. Attack of the Giant Saucers | Jason Isolda |
128. Defending the Royal Pupa | Michael Koch |
126. Vlad and Monika | Chazz Martis |
123. Cells | Orson Harris |
122. The Sage and the Messenger ] | Michael Weiss |
119. Tree of Life | Alex Brown |
118. Deep Space Saucers | Bob & Liz Hearn |
117. I Once Was Blind | Alex Brown |
116. Flying Cone Shells | Michael Weiss |
114. Beak Totem | Family |
113. Dog UFO Gub | Oliver Sutter |
112. Sea Monsters | Family |
111. Cows on the Run | Carol Neese |
110. Hungry Bird | Eamon Carrig |
109. Two Ducks | Family |
107. Laser Shades | Stephanie Cooper |
105. Frog Man | Marc Ladilaw |
103. Eyes | Koen Hendrickx |
101. Picasso's Girl Before A Mirror | Family |
100. Gubs and Wormholes | Jim Buckmaster |
98. A Gub On Her Bed | Steve Jones |
97. Ant and UFO | Chuck Shotton |
96. Grandpa's Birthday | Family |
95. The Two Gods | Chazz Martis |
93. Louisville Artist | Family |
92. God's Eye | Michael Troutman |
91. Garden of Eden | Michael Troutman |
89. The Lovers (Telepathy) [Michael K.] | Michael Kilenny |
88. On My Home Planet | Alex Brown |
87. 4D Ducks | Hillary Gordon |
85. Santa Cruz Harbor | Edward Lamothe |
84. Cow and UFO | Family |
83. Noon Meeting | Sydney Shen |
82. Stolen Picasso | Danielle Dass |
80. Painter Near Mt. Umunhum | Vernon Head |
78. Monument Valley | Lee & Susie Poague |
76. She Has a Pet | Dan Pulcrano |
73. Davenport Cave | Vernon Head |
71. Billy's Book | Terry Bisson |
70. Fractal Skate Posse | Family |
69. He Sees the Fnoor | Eamon Carrig |
68. Werewolf | Vanessa von Bitter |
66. Giant Octopus With Silly Hat | Eamon Carrig |
64. Flower Dream | Michael Weiss |
63. At the Core of the World | Danielle Dass |
62. Amenhotep's Ghost | Family |
60. Topology of the Afterworld | Julian Reschke |
59. Magic Doors | Joe Montani |
58. Fjord at Balestrand | Family |
57. The Abduction | Justin Steindorf |
55. Geranium | Carol Neese |
54. The Clone Garden | Don Pulcrano |
53. Big Sur at Lucia | Family |
51. Yellow Vines | Joe Montani |
50. Four Mile Beach | Danielle Dass |
49. The Flims | Family |
48. Thirteen Worlds | Danielle Dass |
47. Welcome to Mars | Michael Troutman |
46. Caw! | Ellen Thurmond |
44. A Fork in Time | Vanessa von Bitter |
43. Georgia's Tree | Family |
42. The Wanderer | Julia Grillmayr |
41. The Big One | Hillary Gordon |
40. Cerebral Hemorrhage | Carol Neese |
39. Alien Picnic | Family |
38. Collaborators | Andrew Gillespie |
37. Montgomery Hill | Family |
36. Dawn | Family |
35. The Sex Sphere | Danielle Dass |
34. Spacetime Donuts | Family |
33. The Muse | Family |
31. Mossy Trees | Michael Troutman |
30. Shells | Family |
29. Prickly Pear Cactus | Stephen Rainwater |
28. Lexington Reservoir | Family |
27. The Talking Pitchfork | Danielle Dass |
24. 25. 26. Hylozoic Triptych | Danielle Dass |
23. Caunes Vineyards | Family |
22. Minerve Awning | Family |
21. The Old Marrieds | Family |
20. Yellow Couch | Emil Rojas |
19. The Hollow Earth | Chazz Martis |
18. Summer Day | Family |
17. Davenport Cliffs | Family |
16. Surfin' Tiki | John Donald |
15. Jellyfish Lake | Family |
14. Disco La Hampa | Michael Maar |
13. Da Nha Duc | Danielle Dass |
11. The Hacker and the Ants | Koen Hendrickx |
10. Stun City | Michael Koch |
9. Under My Bed | Eamon Carrig |
8. Spaceland | Marc Laidlaw |
7. Saucer Dogs | Family |
6. Big Sur | Mike Pollard |
5. A Square | Family |
4. Attack of the Mandelbrot Set | Michael Troutman |
2. Arf and the Saucer | Family |
1. My Parents | Familly |
Go to the Top of the price page, or visit the main Paintings page.