Rudy Rucker Paintings

Last updated March 29, 2025. Visit the Catalog or the main Paintings page.

Paintings are listed from new to old, in two groups: Available and Gone.

Outer edges are painted, no frames needed. Ready to hang, with wire in place..


Number & Title Price
276. What Time Is It? $1500
275. Mayan Codex $1200
274. Scary Beach $800
273. Halloween $800
270. Funny Cars $850
269. Curved Surfaces $800
268. Cuttles for Barb $900
267. Moo the Cuttle $600
266. Farmers Market $800
265. Riding the Flat Cow $900
264. Kiss Me $800
262. Online Dating $750
261. Little People $750
259. Bringing Home the Tiki $600
258. Neuron #2 $750
255. Larvae $600
254. Stockholm $600
252. Big Game $800
251. Veronica's Merch $750
250. Moonbow $750
248. Yearn (Diptych) $750
247. Empty Mind $900
245. Elise $650
242. Whoop-Di-Doo $700
234. Cosmic Cliff $700
232. Outside the Fillmore $750
231. Galaxies $600
226. Birding $500
225. Saucer Clam, Anchor Shrimp, Conger Eel $500
224. Golden Eyes $600
223. Hailing a Ride $500
219. The Teacher $600
213. Birth $500
212. High Five $500
211. Minnows and Caustic Curves $600
204. Escaping Death $700
198. The Halo Card $750
197. St. Georgia and the Dragon $400
196. Healing Angel $550
194. Pinchy's Big Date $600
193. Pop's Pipes $400
184. Hazmat Spring $600
183. Pandemic #3: Peace $600
182. Pandemic #2: Panic $600
177. Rush Hour
176. Ponytails $600
175. Nine Dragons $800
171. The Two Lovers Walk Their Dog
174. Five Eggs $650
173-1 and 173-2. Gems #1 and Gems #2 $600 each
168. Moonrise
165. My Flag $400
164. Dot the Eye $400
162. People of the Red Saucer $400
157. Manhattan $400
156 Woomo Hunters $500
155. Seela in the Hollow Earth $500
154. Mason in the Hollow Earth $600
150. Shrig and Krakens $700
148. Forged Matisse
145. Hooray! $500
138. The Lost City of Leng
131. Saucer Bagpipe
130. The Flat Cow $650
129. Sky Skirmish $600
127. Diego's Hunhunahpu $800
125. Saucer People $600
124. X-Ray of Failed Hip Implant $600
121. Dangerous Passage $650
120. Saucer Hall $650
115. Endless Road Trip $650
108. Petroglyph Man $650
106. All the Visions
104. Woman With Jellyfish $400
102. In Her Room $650
99. The Mr. Normals vs. the Myoor $400
94. Night of Telepathy $2,500
90. Loulou and Skungy $400
86. Rigging $400
81. V-Bomb Blast $400
79. A Skugger's Point of View
77. Turing and the Skugs $1,500
75. Nude Nabs UFO $400
74. The Riviera
72. Buddha and the Mouse $400
67. First Contact
65. Heart Exam $400
61. Surf Pilgrim
56. Man in Flame Car $400
52. Pig Surprise $400
45. Romeo and Juliet $400
32. Giant's Head $400
12. My Life in a Nutshell
3. Saucer Wisdom

Go to the Top of the price page, or visit the main Paintings page.


Sold to an Owner, or kept by my Family.

Number & Title
Belongs To
272. Farewell Family
271. White Holes Danielle Dass
263. Moulin Rouge Kathryn Cramer
260. Cyberpunk Forever Paul Jackson
257. Bernal Hill on the Fourth Penny Thomas
256. In the Woods Joel Reimnitz
253. Neuron #1 Ben Hollenstein
249. The One Kjell Otterness
246. Saucer Eyes Nick Herbert
244. The Same Yet Changed I Rise Again Julien Reschke
243. Sylvia and the Shells Family
241. Math Trevor Baumel
240. Underground Embry Rucker
239. Saucer Island Erich Schaefer
238. Saucer Pals Scott Lenihan
237. New Glasses Hans von Sichart
236. Going to Heaven Family
235. Space Jellies Michael Koch
233. Saucer Party Vanessa Berry
230. Family Tree Family
229. Galactic Mail Dogs Joel Reimnitz
228. Arf's Dream Family
227. God is a Log Vanessa von Bitter
222. Los Gatos Hills Lee & Susie Poague
220 & 221. Oaks & Roots Julian Reschke
218. Covid: Third Year Tervol Baumel
217. Elephants
Amber & Robert Stern
216. Calder Grabs Crab
215. Mr. Gray Julien Reschke
214. My Back Yard Steve Rainwater
210. Althea's Friends
209. Self-Portrait with Mandelbrot UFO Eamon Carrig
208. Loplop John Donald
207. Beach Morning Family
206. Saucer School Joel Ward
205. Galactic Saucers Chuck Shotton
203. Invaders
202. The 5 Got Away Family
201. The Day We Met
John Dick
200. Rendezvous
Sarah Bloom
199. Zoom Meeting
Mike Gambone
195. Two Lizards
Vanessa von Bitter
192. Magnetic Fields of the Milky Way Galaxy
Chazz Martis
191. Leaving Earth (Was 172: Moon Launch)
Alex Brown
190. Bicyclist
Carol Neese
189. With My Friends Oliver Sutter
188. Cells Eat Viruses
Samuel Chapman
187. Astral Travel
Kyle Seifried.
181. Pandemic #1: Infection Trevor Baumel
186. Night Bird of Paradise
Jim Buckmaster
185. Happy Egg
180. Dino Balloon
Kris Sherman
179. Magic Door
Bevin Kelley
178. Neptune
Vernon Head
170. Cute Meet (Diptych)
Janell Julian
169. Mexico
Jim Buckmaster
167. Wow
166. Young Acrobat With Silks
163. The Tyrant's Wife
Emily Skaftun
161. Red Saucer
Scott Meissen
160. Standing in the Stream
Chazz Martis
159. Up Creek
Jon Pearce
158. Delta Eyes
Chazz Martis
153. Honeymoon
Julia Grillmayr
152. Ants and Gems
Alan Borecky
151. Ratfink Pollock
Casey Reas
149. Riding a Nautilus
Bevin Kelley
147. Bugs and Stars
Nathaniel Hellerstein
146. Monkeybrains ISP
144. Pinata Diptych
Volker Stolz
143. Wild West
Chazz Martis
142. Alien Taxi
Michael Kilkenny
141. Soft Zhabo
Mike Deem
140. Origin of Life
Philippe E.
139. Antarctia
137. The Elephant Bush
136. Red Scribble
William Denton
135. Californians Request Secession
134. Tourists From Atlantis
133. "I Like Purple"
Lee & Susie Poague
132. Attack of the Giant Saucers
Jason Isolda
128. Defending the Royal Pupa
Michael Koch
126. Vlad and Monika
Chazz Martis
123. Cells
Orson Harris
122. The Sage and the Messenger ]
Michael Weiss
119. Tree of Life Alex Brown
118. Deep Space Saucers
Bob & Liz Hearn
117. I Once Was Blind Alex Brown
116. Flying Cone Shells
Michael Weiss
114. Beak Totem
113. Dog UFO Gub
Oliver Sutter
112. Sea Monsters
111. Cows on the Run
Carol Neese
110. Hungry Bird
Eamon Carrig
109. Two Ducks
107. Laser Shades
Stephanie Cooper
105. Frog Man
Marc Ladilaw
103. Eyes
Koen Hendrickx
101. Picasso's Girl Before A Mirror
100. Gubs and Wormholes
Jim Buckmaster
98. A Gub On Her Bed
Steve Jones
97. Ant and UFO
Chuck Shotton
96. Grandpa's Birthday
95. The Two Gods
Chazz Martis
93. Louisville Artist
92. God's Eye
Michael Troutman
91. Garden of Eden
Michael Troutman
89. The Lovers (Telepathy) [Michael K.]
Michael Kilenny
88. On My Home Planet
Alex Brown
87. 4D Ducks
Hillary Gordon
85. Santa Cruz Harbor
Edward Lamothe
84. Cow and UFO
83. Noon Meeting
Sydney Shen
82. Stolen Picasso
Danielle Dass
80. Painter Near Mt. Umunhum
Vernon Head
78. Monument Valley
Lee & Susie Poague
76. She Has a Pet
Dan Pulcrano
73. Davenport Cave
Vernon Head
71. Billy's Book
Terry Bisson
70. Fractal Skate Posse
69. He Sees the Fnoor
Eamon Carrig
68. Werewolf
Vanessa von Bitter
66. Giant Octopus With Silly Hat
Eamon Carrig
64. Flower Dream
Michael Weiss
63. At the Core of the World
Danielle Dass
62. Amenhotep's Ghost  
60. Topology of the Afterworld
Julian Reschke
59. Magic Doors
Joe Montani
58. Fjord at Balestrand
57. The Abduction
Justin Steindorf
55. Geranium
Carol Neese
54. The Clone Garden
Don Pulcrano
53. Big Sur at Lucia  
51. Yellow Vines
Joe Montani
50. Four Mile Beach
Danielle Dass
49. The Flims
48. Thirteen Worlds
Danielle Dass
47. Welcome to Mars
Michael Troutman
46. Caw!
Ellen Thurmond
44. A Fork in Time
Vanessa von Bitter
43. Georgia's Tree
42. The Wanderer
Julia Grillmayr
41. The Big One
Hillary Gordon
40. Cerebral Hemorrhage
Carol Neese
39. Alien Picnic
38. Collaborators
Andrew Gillespie
37. Montgomery Hill
36. Dawn  
35. The Sex Sphere
Danielle Dass
34. Spacetime Donuts
33. The Muse
31. Mossy Trees
Michael Troutman
30. Shells
29. Prickly Pear Cactus
Stephen Rainwater
28. Lexington Reservoir
27. The Talking Pitchfork 
Danielle Dass
24. 25. 26. Hylozoic Triptych 
Danielle Dass
23. Caunes Vineyards
22. Minerve Awning  
21. The Old Marrieds
20. Yellow Couch
Emil Rojas
19. The Hollow Earth
Chazz Martis
18. Summer Day
17. Davenport Cliffs
16. Surfin' Tiki
John Donald
15. Jellyfish Lake
14. Disco La Hampa
Michael Maar
13. Da Nha Duc
Danielle Dass
11. The Hacker and the Ants
Koen Hendrickx
10. Stun City
Michael Koch
9. Under My Bed
Eamon Carrig
8. Spaceland
Marc Laidlaw
7. Saucer Dogs
6. Big Sur
Mike Pollard
5. A Square
4. Attack of the Mandelbrot Set
Michael Troutman
2. Arf and the Saucer
1. My Parents

Go to the Top of the price page, or visit the main Paintings page.