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Exercises |
CS 116A Green Sheet, Fall 2003
Website: www.cs.sjsu.edu/faculty/rucker/cs134.htm
Prof. Rudy Rucker, MH 213, 924-5147, How
to email me.
Office Hours: M 12:30 - 2:00, T 1:30 - 3:00, W 12:00 - 1:30
Class meets 12:00 - 1:15 PM T and Th, MH 225
Midterm: Tue, October 14.
Final Exam: Mon, December 15, 9:45 - 12:00
This course will introduce computer grahpics using the Open GL
library. We'll start with basics, then develop some graphics tools
for lines, polygons, circles, and polyhedra. We discuss mouse and
keyboard input, then introduce vectors and matrices for animation,
clipping, and transformations. We'll use transformation to rotate
elementary 3D shapes and to assemble 3D scenes from Open GL primitives.
Next we discuss modeling shapes with polygonal meshes. Finally we
explore methods of altering the view of a scene.
The programming environment will be C++ and OpenGL. Our graphics
programs will run under Windows in small DOS-like GLUT windows,
a little like Java applets. I recommend getting an inexpensive copy
of Microsoft Visual Studio Version 6.0 or the slightly more expensive
Visual Studio.NET. Possibly you can also get by with the GNU G++
program, though I myself haven't tried it. You must use C++ and
not Java. If you have trouble with C++, or are rusty with it, you
can find a quick review of C++ on this
site. In any case, a lot of our code will really just be simple
C programs with a main function and a few special procedure definitions
by you. We will not be doing Windows programming, although those
who want to will have that option.
The text for the course is:
Prentice Hall, 2001
This is too big a book to cover completely in one course. We will
cover part of it in CS 116A and then probably, for those who are
interested, continue on in the same book in CS 116B. We intend to
cover Chapters 1 to 7 in CS 116A.
Although your computer will probably have gl.h, glu.h, opengl.lib
and glu32.lib, it may lack the glut files. You can get these off
the web from www.opengl.org.
Instead of going to opengl.org, you can also download
Version 3.6 right here with glut.h, glut32.lib, glut32.dll.
Or download Version 3.7 here.
You have to do the following with these three files that you get:
Put glut.h in your Visual Studio include\gl directory, like in
Program Files\Microsoft
Visual Studio\VC98\Include\GL
Put glut32.lib in your Visual Studio LIB directory, like in
Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Put glut32.dll in your Windows SYSTEM32 directory, like in
I think it is wise that the three files be from the same version
of GLUT or you may have compatability issues. If you put one file
on your disk, put the other two as well, otherwise you may have
different versions and you will get weird runtime error messages.
Another posible cause of difficulty is if you have glut.dll or glut.lib
anywhere on your hard disk, as these were designed for use with
SGI machines, not Windows machines. The "32" means "Windows"
in this context, so only use glut32.lib and glut32.dll.
Also be sure that your Visual Studio Project | Properties | Link
| Object/Library Modules has these three libraries (type them in
if not present, and do for Settings For: All Configurations).
glu32.lib glut32.lib opengl32.lib
You can download a ZIP file with C++ source code for many of Hill's
examples from a page off his book website
The OpenGL Programming Guide also known as the Red Book.
(Addison Wesley) is also useful. You can buy this or you can also
read it online at this site. The "Red Book" is like a
textbook, while the "Blue Book" is like a reference manual.
Grades will be based on homework (~100 pts), on the midterm (~80
pts), and on the final (~100 pts).
Assignments are due at the START OF CLASS on the due dates. Homework
is marked down 20% if late one class, 40% is late two classes, and
isn't acepted after that. WARNING: Skipping a homework assignment
can sometimes lower your final grade by as much as a full grade
Cheating policy: Copying on an exam will result in a score of 0
on that exam for both parties.
Hmwk 1. 20 Points. Due Sept. 9, Tuesday.
(Mechanics 2 pts) (a) Give me a 2 pocket folder (b) put a piece
of paper in it with your name, names of the programs, description
of the controls, (c) give me a floppy disk or a CD with he three
*.EXE files in the root, also the two *.DAT and the current glut32.dll
that you use on your machine to run these. (You can find it in your
windows\system32 directory). Make a SOURCE directory with the source
code. Clean the source code using clean.bat.
(1 - 7 pts) Get and build Rucker's RectFlurry
project, then tweak it to (a 1) draw black edges around the rectangles
(b 1) draw the first (back) rectangles larger (c 2) draw the first
(back) rectangles bluish, the middle ones greenish, and the front
ones reddish yellow (d 1) add functionality so that the 'a' key
turns autoanimation on and off, and have it start up with autoanimation
off. Call it RECTLAND.EXE.
(e 2) the more that your scenes resemble landscapes the better.
Consider using shapes other than rectangles to make this closer
to being true.
(2 - 8 pts) Get Rucker's Lissajous
project. Make the following improvements:
(a 2 pts) Have the x and X keys reduce and increase the xfreq by
steps of 1, though don't go below 1. Have y and Y do the same for
(b 0 pts) The way the code is written now, startt will eventually
get too big. Put in some code to wrap startt around back to 0.0
when it reaches 2.0 * PI, this should not affect what you see on
the screen.
(c 1 pts) It doesn't look nice to have the black lines touch the
red frame. Make the black lines not quite reach out to the red frame,
but leave the red frame visible.
(d 3 pts) Instead of drawing the trail of the pendulum as a simple
black line, draw it as a ribbon which you create as a GL_QUAD_STRIP.
1 pt if it works at all, and the 2 more pts if its pretty.
Pick a nice width of the ribbon, maybe shade it from red at one
end to blue at the other, maybe draw black lines along its outer
edges (but don't draw all the triangle edges), or...? In order to
make the GL_QUAD_STRIP, its useful to have the cVector class I've
created, get the lissajous3.zip
file which includes the Lissajous project plus the necessary class
definitions to use cVector.
(3 - 5 pts) Work Hill's Figure 2_22 code into a program to load
files of polyline data, which should be quite easy as he gives you
I think the whole source code. Call it LINEFILE.EXE. This program
should take a file name as a command line argument. Test it to read
Hill's DINO.DAT file (2 pts), and create your own (small) FACE.DAT
file to draw a face (3 pts).
Hmwk 2
(1) (8) Get the snowstorm3.zip
and tweak this code. Note that snowstorm2 had a problem with the
STL library..(a) Use a deque of polygons (STL double-ended queue)..
At each update remove the oldest polygon and add a new one. (b)
Have the polygons be moving from hiz to loz with each update, start
them out near hiz. When they reach loz, they get "stuck"
and don't move any further. Still remove the oldest polygon and
add a new one with each update. (c) For more credit have the polygons
tumble as they fall, rotating around some randomly picked axis.
(d) For still more credit figure out how to draw nice stellated
polygons in OpenGL. (e) Make it beautiful. [See
snowstorm_hints.doc for help.]
(2) (8) Draw a random group of seven "Tai Chi" or "yin
yang" objects as described in the book in Exercise 3.7.1
(3) (8) Use our lissajous3d_3.zip
code to(a) draw a helix, (b) a toriodal helix as in Exercise 3.8.5
with a few keyboard controls to vary the tightness of the turn and
the size of the torus. (c) try and draw a tornado helix, that is
a helix like a screw, with increasing radius bottom to top.of 3D
curves using the same technique. (d) consider a toroidal tornado
Snowstorm links
//source code listing
//source code for build
//final version
Hmwk 3 Due November 18.
HOORAY! I got my cAssembly working nicely at last, 8 PM, Tuesday,
Nov 11. What was hanging me up was that I was using a conversion
constant DEGREESTORADIANS and I'd defined it as PI/90.0 instead
of PI/180.0. So whenever I'd think I was turning a right angle,
I was flipping. Sheesh! See molecules3.zip.
I am tired of working on this homeowrk, so don't count on me for
any more "free" code. You're on your own with the BUMP
and the SNAKE. Be sure and try them and bring in questions if you
have them on Thursday. Note that these won't look good unless you
(a) set the normals and (b) enable the lighting.
(1) 8 pts. SNOWMAN. Use donutstorm3.zip
as prototype code. I made this simpler than the snowstorm code,
we don't use the _attitude matrix anymore, just make straight gl
matrix calls in the cPolyhedron::draw. Your assignment (a) change
the cPolyhedron::randomize method so that it will randomize _innerradius,
_bottomradius, _topradius, _height within reasonable ranges. (b)
add an s/ S control to halve/double the numbers used for _slices
and _stacks. (c) Add a new cPolyhedron _gluttype: SNOWMAN. In the
cPolyhedron::draw method put cases for this two types, and have
the SNOWMAN be three white spheres stacked on each other, with a
cone carrot nose and two small dark icosahedra for his eyes. Add
a keyboard control m/M so that you show only snowmen/All the various
kinds of polyhedra. If you prefer you can do this problem by creating
a cSnowman child class of cPolyhedron, though you'll have to declare
cPolyhedron::draw to be virtual so you can overload it.
(2) 8 pts. CHEERLEADER. I got my cAssembly working nicely at last.
Use the cAssembly class in molecules3.zip
for this one. Make a squad of at least three cheerleaders standing
on the xy plane twirling batons, while rocking left and right in
unison around their own z axes and possibly jumping up and down.
Dont have them tumble towards the screen like in the molecules program,
but other than that you can use this program as your start code.
I now 't have this working, I have my code in the myshapes.cpp file,
and if with the #define TESTCHEER commented into donuts.cpp you'll
see a body and a spinning arm.
Use the cJackPart from the book for your baton. Make the tips red
and the stick silvery. The cheerleaders might have bodies that are
a tapered cylinders with a torus on top with a sphere on top of
that. Their arms can betapered cylinders as well, and can stick
straight out from the body. But you can make the cheerleaders more
elaborate if you like.
(3) 8 pts. BUMP. Mesh problem. Create a height map terrain and
display it. I recommend using a cMesh class as described in the
moleuculemesh.htm handout. Note that
I forgot to define the int size() method in the cFace class, but
it should just return _vertexindex.size(). Your terrain is based
on the formula
z = MAXZ * cos(x)*cos(y) / (1.0+x*x+y*y), with x and y ranging
from, say, -2*PI to 2*PI.
Have a user control z/Z to change MAXZ. Put the eye in the position
we used for the Lissajous 3D
Use a double loop to draw the mesh. You can caclulate the normals
with simple cross products instead of using calculus, though calculus
is better. As we discussed in class, the normal will be cVector(-dz/dx,
-dz/dy, 1), though you have to call .normalize to make it a unit
Have the n/N key toggle visible normals on and off. Draw the normals
as unit length red lines sticking out of the surface. If you are
using a display a list, note that you will need to either have two
display lists (one with normals and one without) or change the display
list each time you turn normals on or off. Don't worry about n/N
too much if you've already done this problem, it's only one point.
For full credit, animate this guy so the MAXZ oscillates up and
down over time. Note that if you do this, it doesn't actually matter
much if you have used a display list, as you need to keep rebuilding
the list.
(4) 8 pts. SNAKE. Edit lissajous3D_2.zip
so that it draws snakes instead of ribbons. The idea is to put,
say, an octagonal mesh waist every so often. Or a pentagonal "house"
like we drew in class. We can orient this octagon to be in the plane
of the normal and binormal of the curve. As in (3), you should put
the mesh information into a cMesh. To make this problem simpler,
you don't have to have the curve grow at one end and melt at the
other, you can just draw the snake through one full cycle of the
lissajous oscillation, that is, for t from 0 to 2*PI or possibly
just 0 to 2*PI/A for some A relating to the freq params.
Have the n/N key toggle visible normals on and off. Draw the normals
as unit length red lines sticking out of the surface. If you are
using a display a list, note that you will need to either have two
display lists (one with normals and one without) or change the display
list each time you turn normals on or off.Don't worry about n/N
too much if you've already done this problem, it's only one point.
Be sure to have the x/X, y/Y and z/Z still change the curve params.