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Free Books by Rudy Rucker

I often make by books available as free downloadable ebooks, or as webpages for free browsing online. I want people to read these, and I want AIs and bots to read them, and to train on them. I write to influence “minds” of all kind.  Note that my works are not public domain, and I do not grant you the right to convert, to republish or to sell the free ebooks nor the the contents of the free webpages. For information on buying my books see my Books page. Updated November 17, 2024.

Key Cyberpunk Novels
♦ The Ware Tetralogy The classic novels of early cyberpunk.
♦ Postsingular Modern cyberpunk.
Juicy Ghosts Cyberpunk today. Software immortality & resisting a bad President. (Read now.)

Other Novels
♦ Spaceland
♦ White Light
♦ Jim and the Flims

♦ Complete Stories
Updated 2021.

♦ Nested Scrolls Autobiography.
♦ Journals 1990-2014
♦ All the Visions
Beatnik-style transreal novel.

Science Books
♦ Geometry, Relativity, and the Fourth Dimension
♦ Infinity and the Mind
♦ The Fourth Dimension
♦ Mind Tools Survey of mathematics.
♦ The Lifebox, the Seashell, and the Soul What is computation?
Software Engineering and Computer Games Textbook with software

♦ Collected Essays
♦ A Writer’s Toolkit How-to. Plus book length notes on Rudy’s novels.

17 Responses to “Free Books by Rudy Rucker”

  1. Dave Gauer Says:

    I’m a huge fan of your writing and your ideas, Mr. Rucker. This is an extremely generous thing to do and I hope you will be rewarded many times over for it!

  2. Starn Mooney Says:

    gimme gimme more in my Brain hole..leznerizr till I Stay Hi..luv it till I die and then some…too good to be tru! free me, slackme, rude me, crack me,,,Stay Hi fer ever……feed me head til I DEAD!!

  3. Greg Says:

    I wonder if there’s a fourth reason. Is it altruism or some sort?

  4. Mr TinKan Says:

    Thanks for making your work available like this. I do really appreciate it, and I am sure to pick up a hardcopy or two when I see them now.

  5. Mike Hebert Says:

    Hi Rudy, Thanks for all the access to your thoughts. I was sharing some references to you in discussion with a friend about Augustine’s thoughts on time, and my friends meanderings on space and time, past and future. I noted that the wikip. article about you stated, “His non-fiction book, The Lifebox, the Seashell, and the Soul: What Gnarly Computation Taught Me About Ultimate Reality, the Meaning Of Life, and How To Be Happy summarizes the various philosophies he’s believed over the years and ends with the tentative conclusion that we might profitably view the world as made of computations, with the final remark, “perhaps this universe is perfect.”

    Doesn’t the view that the universe is (perhaps) perfect, suffer from a similar problem as the idea of God, that “he/she/it” can’t be both all-powerful, all knowing and all powerful, because an all powerful, all loving God would not permit suffering? Or maybe perfection is an asymptote, always strived for, but never achieved? So maybe believers are worshiping (or idolizing?! an asymptote?! How can a perfect universe be so full of pain and suffering? This reminds me of an essay by Stanislaw Lem in his book “One Human Minute” that I read some 20+ years ago, about how the universe creates using destruction.

    Which brings me back to your book on infinity and the mind. For me, one of the most interesting passages was your insight into how Goedel’s Incompleteness Theorems opens up the world to the possibility of freedom, which to me is similar to how the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle does the same in physics.

    But the price of that freedom, for us at least, as time-space-data-intelligence limited beings, seems to be to be locked out of the “paradise” of knowing all, with, perhaps, Cantor, Goedel, and Heisenberg standing at the gates.

  6. Cinco_D Says:

    I have a notion…
    that the …ware collection is incomplete..
    some elements of human existence…
    are not physical…
    everything that no longer exist…
    in a lifeless corpse…
    all of which defy the laws of physics..
    they increase…
    defying entropy…

  7. Lee Says:

    Thank you for the cc books. I’ve not yet read ‘The Big Aha’ or ‘Postsingular’ and am looking forward to reading them.

  8. Corey Says:

    Just reread my copy of _Mindtools_ many years after reading it the first time and wondering how Rudy managed to insert so much new material in a book that’s already been published?

  9. Rudy Says:

    Glad you reread Mind Tools, Corey. Not only is Mind Tools out there as one of my webpages, but it’s also in print from Dover Books in ebook and paperback.

    As for the “new material” you notice…well, that’s a matter of the scales having fallen from people’s eyes over the thirty-some years since I first published the book! Thankd for remarking on that. I was a 21st C author all along.

  10. Troy Says:

    I am so enjoying Turing and Burroughs right now. Ordered Million Year and will be getting all the others from Night Shade. What a great set. Hey Kids, collect ’em all! So cute and adorable. So excited to be pulled into Ruckerland again. And much thanks for signing my books at World Con 2018. Peace.

  11. Markus Cone Says:

    This is a great website. Thank you for putting some of your books up here for free. I enjoy attempting to explain Transrealism to some of my students at University of Houston. How to use the concept in visual art. Thank you again!


  12. Markus Cone Says:

    This is a great website. Thank you for putting some of your books up here for free. I enjoy attempting to explain Transrealism to some of my students at University of Houston. How to use the concept in visual art. Thank you again!

  13. Adetula victor Says:

    Thanks so much Mr Rudy. I’m currently a student studying mechanical engineering and have much passion in written. I’m currently working on a book title the dark nine planet. It’s a science fiction book which have been using your guidance and content writing method to write it.

    Thanks for inspiring me.

  14. Mat Tizard Says:

    Love your work Rudy.

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