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Archive for the ‘Upcoming Events’ Category

Rudy and R. U. Sirius in Amsterdam

Thursday, February 22nd, 2007

R. U. Sirius and I will be speaking in a retrofitted warehouse, Pakhuis de Zwijger in Amsterdam on Wednesday, April 11, 2007 at 8 PM. The event is called “High In Cyberspace” and is part of a the “Sciencefiction/Sciencefaction” series of talks sponsored by the Waag Society.

On their page, you can click at the upper right hand corner to see the page in English. The Waag Society — based in a cool old building called the Waag (which means, I think, “scales”, and I think this was once a customs house) is a think-tank and institute which works in the fields of networked art, healthcare, education and internet related issues like bandwidth and copyright.

Also sponsering the event are the Internet provider XS4AL and the Cyberspace
Salvations research team of Leiden University and the Erasmus University Rotterdam.

“Life is a Gnarly Computation,” Lecture in Rochester, NY

Wednesday, February 7th, 2007

Special lecture: “Life is a Gnarly Computation”, at Rochester Institute of Technology, NY, 8 PM Wed, April 4, 2007, in Webb Auditorium (James E. Booth Memorial Building – 7A).

Reception & book signing in lobby after talk.

Before the evening lecture, in the late afternoon, there will be a panel on my work, “Math Meets Fiction on the CyberEdge:
A Colloquium on the Gnarly World(s) of Rudy Rucker” (Panelists: Jeff Johannes, Steve Jacobs, Peter J. Lazarski and Moderator, John Roche) (4-5:30 – College of Science Auditorium, 08-1250)

Talk at Sunnyvale Library

Wednesday, February 7th, 2007

I’ll talk about writing and my career and then have some Q and A at Sunnyvale Library, Sunnyvale, 7 PM, March 7, 2007.

Reading at Borderlands, SF, Sat, Feb 10

Wednesday, February 7th, 2007

I’m giving a reading at Borderlands Books, 866 Valencia St., SF, 3 PM, Sat, February 10.

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