Click covers for info. Copyright (C) Rudy Rucker 2021.

Archive for the ‘Upcoming Events’ Category

Reading at the Booksmith, Nov 13, 2007

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2007

On Tuesday, November 13th, at 7 pm., I’ll reading from Postsingular at that great indie San Francisco bookstore, the Booksmith on fabulous Haight Street.

If you can’t attend, but want to order a signed copy of Postsingular, you can do so via the Booksmith Collectibles page. They have some other signed titles by me in stock as well.

Bach Concert with CA Light Show, Nov 16, 2007

Monday, October 1st, 2007

Multum in Parvo: The Music of Bach & Gnarly Computation

An illustrated concert by Rudy Rucker and the Galax Quartet, with triple harp by Cheryl Ann Fulton.

Friday, November 16, 7:30 pm.
College Avenue Presbyterian Church
5951 College Avenue at Claremont Avenue
Oakland, CA

Price of admission: Donations accepted

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Many of Bach’s works showed a unusual devotion to economy and concentration, melodic and contrapuntal writing of ravishing beauty derived from a single intricate theme, finding much in little, multum in parvo.

Our program is a collaboration between San Francisco’s historical-instrument Galax Quartet, triple harpist Cheryl Ann Fulton, and award-winning science fiction writer and mathematician Rudy Rucker, who will present his striking images of cellular automata, visually beautiful examples of multum in parvo.

David Wilson and Kati Kyme, violins
Roy Whelden, viola da gamba
Paul Hale, ‘cello
Cheryl Ann Fulton, triple harp
Rudy Rucker, cellular automata graphics

“What is Life”, Kyoto, Japan, Oct 17, 2007

Wednesday, September 26th, 2007

A talk on “Life as a Gnarly Compuation, or, Is a Fluttering Flag Alive?” at a “What is Life?” conference honoring Yukawa’s dream, sponsored by Kyoto University, in Kyoto, Japan.

View an online PDF of my PowerPoint slides: “Life is a Gnarly Computation, or, Is a Fluttering Flag Alive?” online.

Rudy’s Paintings at Live Worms Gallery, Nov 9-11, 2007

Thursday, September 20th, 2007

As part of the launch for his new book, Postsingular, Tor Books is helping Rudy Rucker stage a three-day exhibition and sale of his paintings at the Live Worms Gallery in San Francisco.

The show will run November 9 – 11, Friday through Sunday. Stop by anytime on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday to talk to Rudy, who will be manning the gallery himself.

* Opening night party Nov 9, Friday night, 7 pm – 11 pm.

* Reading Saturday afternoon 4 pm – 6 pm with Kage Baker and Rudy Rucker. Hang around and schmooze afterwards; we’ll have some refreshements, and you can buy our books from a table manned by Borderlands Books.

The gallery is at 1345 Grant Avenue between Green St & Vallejo St (see map). Approximate hours of opening (including events):
Nov 9, Friday: 2 pm – 11 pm
Nov 10 Sat: 11 am – 7 pm
Nov 11 Sun: 11 am – 4 pm

Parking can be tough in North Beach; try the public Vallejo St. garage on Vallejo St. across Columbus Ave, a block west of Stockton, which usually has room. It’s funky, but safe, as it’s next to a police station!

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