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Archive for the ‘Rudy’s Blog’ Category

Painting of Monument Valley

Thursday, January 27th, 2011

Monument Valley, acrylic, 24″ x 18″, January 2011. More info at my Paintings page.

I started this en plein air at Monument Valley in September, 2010. We had some warm days this week, so I got out in my “studio” (the back yard) and finished this one. Acrylic for a change, which works better when you’re carrying a painting around outdoors—it dries fast. Strong colors even if it is acrylic.

Those rock formations on the left are called the Mittens. This is an amazing place, with a strong spiritual vibe. The day after I painted this, I got up before dawn and hiked down into the valley, around the mitten on the left, and back up—which took about four hours.

If you ever get a chance, go there and stay at THE VIEW, the Navajo-run motel right there with this view.

Cronenberg’s NAKED LUNCH as Transreal SF

Tuesday, January 25th, 2011

For whatever reason, most people don’t think of William Burroughs’s novel Naked Lunch as science-fiction, but really it is. In particular, it’s what I call Transreal SF, that is, a form of autobiography in which one’s experiences are made more vivid by transmuting them into SFictional tropes, see for instance my talk, “Power Chords, Thought Experiments, Transrealism, and Monomyths.”

[Hummingbird and Orchid by Martin Johnson Heade.]

Burroughs himself often wrote admiringly about SF in his letters, and said that’s what he was indeed writing. But people ignore this. Perhaps it’s that so few SF works aspire to such a high literary level, or that Naked Lunch doesn’t have a straight-through plot-line. But if you look at the tropes in the book, it really is SF¬—aliens, imaginary drugs, telepathy, talking objects … the gang’s all here.

I’m thinking about the book both because Burroughs is a character in my novel-in-progress Turing & Burroughs, and because I watched David Cronenberg’s Naked Lunch via NetFlix instant-watch last night.

What great cinematography—the framing, the colors, the segues, the simple but telling effects. The acting is great too, it’s understated, which is important—it’s easy to go over into gauche, hammy stuff when portraying legendary figures like the Beats. Judy Davis is a wonder as Joan Vollmer (called Joan Rohnert in the film), and as Jane Bowles, also called Joan in the film.

And what a wonderful script. Cronenberg himself has the credit for the screenplay. You can find it online, transcribed from the movie by some fanatic, at Drew’s Script-o-Rama. The novel Naked Lunch doesn’t have a single clear plot-line that would make a movie—indeed the lack of such a plot is a key artistic element of the book, and a key aspect of the mythos around the book.

For the purposes of the film, Cronenberg created what Wikipedia terms a “metatexual adaptation.” That is, he blended elements of the novel with the by-now-legendary story of Burroughs’s life—the shooting of his wife, the expatriate years in Tangier, typing the pages of Naked Lunch high in his Tangier room, Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg helping him assemble the manuscript. All of this material is outlined in Burroughs’s letters, and in the reminiscences of his Beat friends—the transreal oeuvre is blended together to produce the transreal film.

It’s a brilliant move on Cronenberg’s part to have the typewriters be alien beings. For a writer in those pre-computer days, a typewriter was an object of great mana. A partner, a friend, a tool—more reliable than any computer ever is. I remember in 1982 going on a trip with nothing in my suitcase but underwear, my pink IBM Selectric typewriter and some Clash and Ramones records. And to have these machines become talking insects or alien heads is a great concept.

Cronenberg made two marketing moves to enhance the film’s general appeal.

First of all, rather than having the main character be addicted to opiates, the Bill Lee of the movie is addicted to not-quite-real substances like cockroach-extermination-powder and the powder of the “black meat,” taken from very large fresh-water Brazilian centipedes. Burroughs himself used this move in the novel—rather than going on and on about heroin as he’d done in Junkie, which is a turn-off for many readers. In Naked Lunch , the characters are obsessed with these more science-fictional drugs.

The second market-friendly move by Cronenberg—which aroused the ire of some—is that he plays down his Bill Lee character’s homosexuality. To some extent this fits with the Burroughs of the early 1950s. Bill was, after all, married for a time—before he shot his wife. And, judging from his letters, he was always put off by overly flamboyant flaunting of one’s homosexuality. One gathers from Burroughs’s work that there there was a definite transition period for him in the early 1950s, and Cronenberg sets his character in the period of the transition.

By time Burroughs was actually living in Tangier, he was well past the transition, constantly writing about boys in his letters, so in that sense the film is historically inaccurate. But we’re not talking about true history in the movie Naked Lunch . We’re talking about attaching the images and dialog of an author’s fantastic novel to a mythologized version of the author’s life. And in some ways the transitional state is a good choice to use for the film. In any case the character is, as Burroughs remarked to Cronenberg re. the film, “queer enough.”

I did find the ending of the movie a downer, to have Bill repeating the same dreadful mistake that he’d made near the start. Cronenberg is taking off on a possibly ill-advised remark by Burroughs to the effect that if he hadn’t shot Joan he might not have become a writer. That’s not a place that most of us want to go.

For my taste, it always a little cheap and obvious to give a novel or a movie a serious feel by using a hard, downbeat climax. What’s the line? “Tragedy is easy, comedy is hard.”

One of my favorite bits in the film is when the Burroughs character is talking to the Paul Bowles character, and the older man is telling Bill all these shocking intimate things about himself, and Bill says, “I’m surprised you’re telling me all this,” and Bowles says, “Well, I’m not saying it out loud. The conversation you’re hearing is telepathic. You see, if you look closely, the words you’re hearing don’t match the motions of my lips.”

Another great bit is when Bill is passed out on the beach with, he thinks, his broken typewriter in a gunny-sack. And Jack and Allen show up to cheer him up. And Bill mumbles, “A little trouble with my typewriter.” And the boys look in the sack, and all that’s in there is trash—empty pill bottles and cans and bottles. “My typewriter.”

The Classic CHAOS Software Goes Multiplatform

Monday, January 24th, 2011

Today I got around to using a fix that allows our old CHAOS software to run, I think, on every platform. See my CHAOS page for full details, and for the free downloads. Thanks to “Torbjørn Pettersen” and “Jac” for having advised me.

Summarizing some of that that page says, CHAOS is a shareware release of James Gleick’s CHAOS:the Software.  We provide both the complete executable and the source code for the 1990 Autodesk release based on the wonderful book Chaos, by James Gleick

The software was written by  Josh Gordon, Rudy Rucker and John Walker for Autodesk, Inc., with Josh Gordon doing the lion’s share of the programming work. It is our hope that this shareware release will allow educators, students and dabblers to freely use our software. Great for classroom use or individual exploration.

CHAOS can presently be run, using the free DOSBox ware, under Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and other platforms.

CHAOS has six modules.

1. MANDEL. A fast Mandelbrot set program, incorporating: quadratic and cubic Mandelbrots, various fill patterns, quadratic and cubic Julias, and the gnarly "cubic Mandelbrot catalog" set that I call the Rudy set. For more up-to-date info on these fractals, you can also look at my 2010 formula files and parameter files for the commercial Ultra Fractal software as described on mys blog post, “The Rudy Set as the ultimate Cubic Mandelbrot.”

2. MAGNETS… A Pendulum and Magnets program showing chaotic physical motion.

3. ATTRACT. A Strange Attractors program showing some of the Hall of Famers as the Lorenz Attractor, the Logistic Map, the Yorke Attractor, the Henon Attractor, etc.

4. GAME. A "Chaos Game", which is a Barnsley Fractals program showing Iterated Function System fractals such as the famous "fern".

5. FORGE. A "Fractal Forgeries" program that shows mountain ranges based on random fractals.

6. TOY. A "Toy Universes" program that shows some cellular automata.

Unpredictability and Plotting A Novel

Friday, January 21st, 2011

I was happy for a few days last week about a new outline for my novel-in-progress, Turing & Burroughs , and I posted about the outline in, “Reading in SF. New Outline. Ripping Vinyl.” But now that I’m down to actually implementing it, it’s clear that the outline has a big hole in the middle. Not enough plot. So I’m re-doing it again, on the side, while I continue work on the new chapter.

[A great African mask in the African collection upstairs at the DeYoung museum.]

I think I will need something like what I was calling “dreamskugs” after all, that is, some incorporeal beings who one see from the corners of one’s eyes. But that isn’t the right name for them, for any talk about dreamskugs blends with and muddies the biocomputational skugs that Alan Turing discovered/invented/enabled. The spirit-things need their own name. So I’ll call them gazaks for now. An onomatopoeic word mimicking, say, Alan’s anxious grinding of his teeth and or retching at their initial appearance. “Gaaak!”

[“Turing and the Skugs”. More info on my paintings site. I can’t get enough of this painting! Pretty soon I might try and paint some gazaks too.]

I see the gazaks as elemental spirits, elves, discarnate ghosts, or perhaps minds as software images embodied in nature’s flows. Their interaction with us might as well be what potentiated the appearance of Turing’s skugs. The gazaks “saw” Turing on the verge of providing a biocomputational interface to link the two worlds, and they helped him make it happen. And then, near the end of the book, the gazaks soul-suck a lot of people off into their world, which may or may not be a pleasant place.

I’ve always felt that it’s okay to keep revising my plot outline as I go along. This dovetails with a lesson I’ve learned at a deep level over the years, to wit: “The World is Unpredictable.” I in fact have a very short essay with this title in this year’s edition of superagent and tummler John Brockman’s “World Question Center, 2011”, you can see me here about halfway down page two. Brockman got about a hundred and sixty people to answer the question, “What scientific concept would improve everybody’s cognitive toolkit?”

Unpredictability not only to the world at large, but to your personal life, as I describe in my 2004 blog post, “Free Will.” That is, even if the world is in some scientific sense deterministic, we cannot in practice to predict what we’ll be doing tomorrow. I wrote about this at some length in my tome on computation and the mind, The Lifebox, the Seashell, and the Soul,,

[Escaped tulpa from my novel “Jim and the Flims,” recently spotted in Los Gatos.]

But my point in today’s post is that unpredictability is being very much an aspect of how one dynamically works with the outline of a novel in progress. Quoting from my short how-to book, “A Writer’s Toolkit,” as revised in 2009.

When you’re writing a novel you’re working at the most extreme limit of your capabilities. What you’re doing is beyond logic, so far out at the limits of what you can do that there’s no hope of your having a short and manageable simulation of the process by which to figure out what you’re doing, it’s computationally irreducible. When you get into this zone, out on the very surface of your brain, you become sensitive to the tiniest chaotic emanations of the world outside. At times it feels as if the world, feeling your sensitivity, gladly dances back. Dosie-do. Keep your eyes peeled.

[Aardvark mask, also in the DeYoung.]

I’ve known this for quite a few years, but I’m always learning it at deeper levels. Here’s a quote from my “A Transrealist Manifesto” of 1983:

The Transrealist artist cannot predict the finished form of his or her work. The Transrealist novel grows organically, like life itself. The author can only choose characters and setting, introduce this or that particular fantastic element, and aim for certain key scenes. Ideally, a Transrealist novel is written in obscurity, and without an outline. If the author knows precisely how his or her book will develop, then the reader will divine this. A predictable book is of no interest. Nevertheless, the book must be coherent. Granted, life does not often make sense. But people will not read a book which has no plot. And a book with no readers is not a fully effective work of art. A successful novel of any sort should drag the reader through it. How is it possible to write such a book without an outline? The analogy is to the drawing of a maze. In drawing a maze, one has a start (characters and setting) and certain goals (key scenes). A good maze forces the tracer past all the goals in a coherent way. When you draw a maze, you start out with a certain path, but leave a lot a gaps where other paths can hook back in. In writing a coherent Transrealist novel, you include a number of unexplained happenings throughout the text. Things that you don’t know the reason for. Later you bend strands of the ramifying narrative back to hook into these nodes. If no node is available for a given strand-loop, you go back and write a node in (cf. erasing a piece of wall in the maze). Although reading is linear, writing is not.

[Cranes in the Amsterdam zoo.]

Finally, here’s some more about the unpredictability of plot from “Seek the Gnarl,” my Guest of Honor address at the International Conference for the Fantastic in the Arts in 2005. A variant of this talk appeared in the Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts, and I also have this excerpt in the how-to book that I mentioned above, “A Writer’s Toolkit.

With respect to plot structures, I see a spectrum of complexity. At the low end of complexity, we have standardized plots, at the high end, we have no plot at all, and in between we have the gnarly somewhat unpredictable plots. These can be found in two kinds of ways. I tend to use what I call the transreal approach of by fitting reality into a classic monomythic kind of plot structure and using some standard (say) science-fictional tropes. In the less flashy, but perhaps even more complex realistic mode, you try and mimic the actual world very precisely, working hard to avoid overlaying received ideas and cliches. In some ways, truth really is stranger than fiction. And so I view transreal fiction as a bit less computationally complex due to its position at the nexus of reality, fantasy, and the trellis of a classic plot structure such as the monomyth.


Literary Style





A plot very obviously modeled to a traditional pattern.


Medium gnarl


Traditional story pattern enriched by realism. Observation acts on the fictional tropes to create unpredictable situations.

Realism + monomyth + power chords

High gnarl


A plot modeled directly on reality, with the odd and somewhat senseless twists that actually occur.

Observation, journals



Completely arbitrary events occur. (Tricky, as the subconscious isn’t all that random.)

Dreams, whims, external input.

Yum! The muse wants to help you.

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