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Archive for the ‘Rudy’s Blog’ Category

Done Boinging

Sunday, May 31st, 2009

Whew. My two week stint as Boing Boing guestblogger is over…I was on from May 18 – May 31, 2009.

My twenty-five posts branched into about 750 comments—most of them nice. Thanks, Boing!

Just to have the posts safe in one place, I’m saving them (without the comments) as a single page , here on my site. The originals, with comments, used to be on the Guestblog archive at BoingBoing—but that link’s dead now, you’d need to seek out an Internet backup site to see it.

Now to get back to writing Jim and the Flims! As I mentioned in one of my Boing posts, I have the idea that the King of Flimsy’s castle should look like a geranium that I painted. To help me get going on the next chapter, I’m now working on a second painting of a really big geranium with little people on it—this is just a detail of the picture, there will be other stuff going on in the foreground. I’ll show you the whole painting when it’s done.

It’s good to back home in the comfort of my own blog.

COOP’s One Man Show

Wednesday, May 27th, 2009

I’m still guestblogging over at Boing Boing this week (check their guestblog archives). I couldn’t use the following post because Boing blogger David Pescowitz beat me to the topic. But I thought I’d post my version here anyway.

Transpop hotrod artist (and demonic blogger) COOP has a show opening Friday at the Corey Helford Gallery in Culver City, CA.

Above is a photo I took of the Master when I visited his studio in April, 2006, , while he was painting one of the new works for this show. As my readers already noted, the photo includes an alien floater artifact in the foreground.

Above is a kiss painting from the show. The gallery has a preview link where you can view and purchase some of the works in advance.

Go git ‘em, COOP!

Hylozoic is Coming

Monday, May 11th, 2009

I’ll be leaving the Rudy’s Blog planet for the last two weeks of May—

—because I’m going to be a guest blogger on BoingBoing from Monday, May 18, 2009 to Saturday, May 31, 2009. I’ll try for one or two posts a day over there.

It would be nice to have some cool links, so do email suggestions to me, preferably with a subject line of “boing link.” I figure that regular readers of Rudy’s Blog might have a notion of what kinds of links interest me…

The guest blog stint is mainly to promote my new novel Hylozoic, which is already printed and goes on sale May 24, 2009. I’d like to get some good sales for this book in order to help me continue getting published by a strong mainstream press like Tor.

I’ll be doing a few readings for Hylozoic around the SF Bay Area in early June, you can check a list of the readings on my publisher’s site.

I already got a couple of good reviews for the book, by the way:

Rucker’s yarn of a future where everything—animals, rocks, the planet Earth—is conscious, telepathic and often irrepressibly chatty. Rucker’s approach takes a high-comic trajectory with a satirical edge… Serious, uproarious fun, with brain-teasers and brilliant ideas tossed about like confetti.
— Kirkus Reviews.

Bristling with cool ideas, bizarre but witty formulations and neologisms, Carrollian mathematical/logic puzzles, gnarly tech applications and gonzo speculations, wicked satire, hot sex, nasty aliens, anarchic plots, and psi powers … Rucker juggles the disparate elements of his plot with the zany aplomb of the Flying Karamazov Brothers. His vision of the future is a hopeful and inclusive one—and one hell of a party.
— Locus

Long time readers of this blog will remember that I painted a triptych to help gear up for writing Hylozoic, as shown in the image below. On the left, that ‘s Thuy Nguyen with the pigtails, catching sight of the nasty, subdimensoinal subbies. In the middle, that’s an alien flying manta ray called a Hrull, about to swallow Hieronymus Bosch. On the right, that’s Thuy and Jayjay flying towards the top of a transfinite beanstalk. (I’ll be posting a bigger version of this image over at BoingBoing next week.)

Clearly any reasonable person would want to order a copy of Hylozoic today!

Eaton SF Con on Verne and Steampunk

Monday, May 4th, 2009

This weekend, we flew to John Wayne Airport in Orange County and rented a car to drive 40 miles bumper to bumper to Riverside, CA, for the Eaton SF Conference, a series of mostly academic talks and panels about science fiction, held at the University of California at Riverside.

[Today’s pictures are still from Wisconsin, as my camera battery was dead in Riverside.]

The conference is organized by the charming Melissa Conway and other members of the Special Collections department of UC Riverside—they have the world’s premier collection of SF novels, fanzines, and writers’ literary archives—this is the Eaton Collection.

I’m thinking of giving my own papers to the Eaton Collection one of these days. My writer friend Gregory Benford has his stuff there, so I went and looked at it. Benford and his identical twin brother Jim were hauling in fresh boxes of stuff. Boxes of papers on shelves in a windowless room. Just stuff, after all. I had a moment of wondering why it seemed important to me to have my papers in a library. Kind of the feeling you get shopping for a grave plot…

It was really fun seeing Greg Benford in the company of his twin. Although I like Greg a lot, he can be a little overwhelming. And his twin Jim seems to have a somewhat similar personality. But when you’re dealing with the two of them at the same time, they kind of buffer each other, like a atoms which are very reactive in isolation, but comfortable in pairs.

Another nice thing at the con was a videotaped talk by Frederik Pohl, whose health kept him from attending in person. Pohl may be ninety, but he’s sharp and witty. Saintly almost.

The con theme was Junes Verne, and I was on a panel about “steampunk.” My novel The Hollow Earth can be called steampunk, in that (a) I’m a cyberpunk, and (b) the book was written in the late 1980s, and (c) it’s set in the 1800s, and (d) the book has fantastic elements. But, in that my The Hollow Earth is set in Virginia, I deviate from the generally Anglophile/Victorian slant of steampunk as it’s popularly imagined, and thus I tend not to be mentioned in some discussions of the genre.

Sometimes I worry that I’m invisible to the eyes of casual SF scholars—from some articles, you’d get the impression that I’m not a cyberpunk, not a steampunk, not a slipstreamer, etc. Wheenk, wheenk, wheenk! I get the feeling that some SF scholars have done their research by reading one or two best-sellers and watching a lot of Star Trek—although a lot of them have indeed dug much deeper.

I did hear some interesting talks at the con, one was by David Wittenberg, about the notion that time travel stories arose because early 19th C writers wanted to write about utopian alternate worlds—and that once the notion of evolution became popular, they assumed these cool worlds would be in the future, you you needed time travel to get there. Initially they’d do a one way trip via suspended animation—the whole thing of round trips and time paradoxes really took hold after Einstein.

Historically, the “steampunk” word arose as something of a marketing move to ride on the cyberpunk wave, akin to DiFilippo’s use of the word “ribofunk” for his bio-sci-based stories. K. W. Jeter coined the word to describe himself, James Blaylock, and Tim Powers. And I think the word took deeper hold when cyberpunks William Gibson and Bruce Sterling wrote their novel The Difference Engine about Victorian steam-powered computers.

A writer like the aboriginal steampunk Tim Powers is more interested in fantastic elaboration of incident and character than in any political stance. Powers was at the con, it was great talking to him, he’s like a white hole of ideas, gushing with story gimmicks and plot twists. He even gave me some suggestions for the book I’m working on.

Lately, for some reason, the word steampunk became popular again, but this time more in connection with clothes fashions, so far as I can tell. I will say that hearing about big brass machines at the Eaton con kind of made me sort of want to write about them.

Other SF writers presentat the con included Greg Benford , Sheila Finch, Howard Hendrix, Greg Bear , Tim Powers, and Kathleen Goonan.

Although I relish talking to other writers, I do tend to feel uncomfortable at cons. I’m somewhat shy and socially awkward. Douglas Coupland has a good passage about this in his novel, JPod. The character talking here is a programmer who, according to his girlfriend, has mild autism:

What I don’t like is being exposed to unfiltered social contact, like at parties or meetings, when just anyone can talk to you with no other reason than that you happen to be there.

Southern California near LA is really Car Land. The Inland Empire they call it. I’ve never seen such traffic, and the sky was this weird grayish-white color. The locals claimed it wasn’t smog, just dust or the weather or haze. An orange grove was down the block on a vacant field by the freeway and behind our motel parking lot.

I noticed an awesome old street rod car parked in the motel lot, and I asked the long-haired owner about it. He directed us to a car event on the streets of downtown Riverside, the “Show and Go” show.

Talk about steampunk! My favorite car was the so-called Metronator, which is 1956 Nash Metropolitan with a two thousand horsepower engine that sticks up outta the hood like on a Big Daddy Roth dragster.

I toured the UC Riverside cactus garden with Jim Benford, he told me that cactuses are, evolutionarily speaking, the most recent plants to appear. They emerged in response to the drying of Central America and the our Southwest.

On the way back to the airport, I sort of wanted to visit the Richard Nixon Library and Birthplace in Yorba Linda—they have his house and his helicopter and, I think, Trisha Nixon’s Inaugural Ball Gown.

In connection with donating papers, there’s an interesting connection here. It used to be that an author could deduct the “fair market value” for his or her papers when donating them to a library. But this law was repealed in 1969, largely because too many politicians were getting huge deductions. And good old Tricky Dick, backdated the donation of his papers so he could take a half-million-dollar deduction in 1970.

What does Yorba Linda mean, anyway? “Linda” means beautiful, but what’s a “yorba”? Ah, Google tells me that in 1809, Jose Yorba, got a land grant to start the town…

I was going to call the creature shown above a heffalump, after Winnie the Pooh, but maybe it’s a yorbafump!

Yorba Linda here I come, right back where I started from?

Well, we didn’t end up going to the Nixon museum on Sunday afternoon. Sylvia put down her pied, and we went to Newport Beach and caught some sun, and it was stokin’.

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