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Archive for the ‘Rudy’s Blog’ Category

Tarzan, Help With Biotech?

Saturday, October 24th, 2009

This week I read he 1912 Tarzan of the Apes by Edgar Rice Bourroughs. The 1990 Penguin paperback edition has a great cover by Frank Frazetta.

[Copyright (C) Frank Frazetta]

I enjoyed the book a lot, and now I have to get hold of the first of the many sequels, the 1913 The Return of Tarzan , to see if Tarzan manages to hook up with Jane—who slips through his noble fingers in the final scene of Tarzan of the Apes.

I’m curious about Philp Jose Farmer’s Burroughs/Burroughs pastiche, “The Jungle Rot Kid on the Nod,” but I can’t find it online. Maybe I’ll have to buy a Farmer anthology for this one.

[Copyright (C) E. C. Publications, Inc.]

I also dug out my old Mad magazine parody, “Melvin of the Apes,” every frame of which is eiditcally etched into my brain tissues from my first exposure back in the early 1950s.

On an unrelated front, I’ve been thinking about biotech, genomics, bioengineering, bioinformation—whatever you want to call it. I’m thinking there’s a rich vein of SF story material here that’s ripe for more mining.

Of course Paul Di Filippo suggested this years ago in his Ribofunk Manifesto, and his story collection, Ribofunk. And we can’t forget Greg Bear’s classic Blood Music.

I’d be curious to hear suggestions about existing SF along these lines and, above all, I’d like some recommendations for readable popular science books on the subject. I’m not so interested in worries about new plagues, I’m more intrigued about how we might tweak living orgainsms.

Cruz Rave, Demons’ Night Parade, Interviews

Tuesday, October 20th, 2009

The other day we were in Santa Cruz, and we came across a rave-like street party, it was kind of an after-party for Burning Man.

I took a few pictures, and I’m going to mix them in with some pictures that I snarfed today from a Japanese yokai or “mythic monster” scroll showing the “Demons’ Night Parade.” Note that the picture below shows a demon studying a scroll!

A fan named Lex Berman sent me a link to a BoingBoing post about this scroll, and I found a fairly complete copy of this scroll on eBay, where it’s for sale for $15,000, which, in a way, isn’t that bad a price considering how great it is.

Speaking of scrolls, my daughter Isabel Rucker has an art show coming up in San Francisco, starting on Thursday, November 5, 2009. She’s drawn a 400 foot long (!) scroll, somewhat autobiographical, a graphic novel in one piece, it’s called “Unfurling.”

So as to keep these images out where I can find them again, I saved off the page as an 8 megabyte PDF file that I posted on my website. And I’ll post a few of the frames here today, I think they go well with the rave party.

And what am I up to otherwise? I’m working on my two book projects, that is, my memoir and my new SF novel. It looks like I’ve found a good publisher for the memoir, I’ll tell more about when the deal is actually signed.

I’m still working on getting a publisher for Jim and the Flims, and I’ll keep you posted on that. I’m thinking of changing Jim from being a 60 year old to being a 30 year old…that’s probably a better move in terms of appealing to the target audience. And actually it wouldn’t be that hard to do.

I had a couple of interviews appear recently. First of all, there’s an interesting new book called Alice Beyond Wonderland, edited by Christopher Hollingsworth for the University of Iowa Press. Chris and Steve Hooley did an email interview with me that went into the book.

Secondly, the September, 2009, issue of The National Fantasy Fan, includes an interview by Heath Row with me about Postsingular and Hylozoic.

You can also find these interviews in my online collected online email interview document, “All the Interviews,” which I just updated today.

Further fannish news: I’ll be at the National Fantasy Con in San Jose. I’m on a panel on October 30, Friday, 5:00 PM, “Artists Who Write & Writers Who Paint,” with me, Greg Bear, ElizaBeth Gilligan, Karen Haber, and Seanan McGuire. And I’ll be autographing later that evening, I think. Thanks, by the way, to Christine Valada, who helped me get a con membership—which I’d postponed too long.

What else? I tried to enter a couple of my paintings (“Topology of the Afterworld” and “Surf Pilgrim”) in a local Los Gatos juried art show, and they turned down my pictures, of all the outrage. As COOP told me when I asked him about the possibility of a pro art career, “Sure, if you want a whole new way to break your heart!”

Come to think of it, I have to go pick up those works right now.

Late breaking news…a guy called Brett Harder just sent me a link to his site, which has a some nice, somewhat SFictional and transreal graphic novelette, “Observance” which is, in way, formed like a vertical scroll.

Synthetic Biology

Friday, October 16th, 2009

I recently read a fascinating article about synthetic biology by Michael Specter, “A Life of its Own,” in the New Yorker of Sept 28, 2009. The article is online here.

As old-timers may remember there was a fad for so-called artificial life in the 1980s. Artificial life was largely about computer programs that emulated living things—such as ant colonies, flocks of birds, or growing plants. You can see my Artificial Life Lab book for more information about old-school A-Life.

Synthetic biology is different, it’s about building slippery wetware entities that might live in the real world.

Just for my own convenience, I’ll begin by posting some links to things mentioned in Specter’s article. He talks about MIT researcher Tom Knight’s BioBricks project, which involves developing a kind of open source wetware protocol so that people can fairly easily “snap together” DNA molecules of their own designs.

Knight has also posted some of his stuff on the startling site, OpenWetWare, a vast, loose, and baggy site whose 10,000+ webpages are collaboratively maintained by some 6,000+ people involved in, or interested in biotech , genomics, synthetic biology, wetware engineering, or whatever you want to call it. The idea is, I think, that it’s actually safer and more socially useful to have wetware engineering tools be open to all than to entrust them to secretive government groups.

Drew Endy, formerly at MIT but now at Stanford, is another player in the open source new goo thang. Here’s a Wikipdia page on Endy with lots more links. Specter bagged some good quotes from Endy. “My guess is that our ultimate solution to the crisis of health-care costs will be to redesign ourselves so that we don’t have so many problems to deal with.”

This reminds me of a story by Samuel Delany where people readily eat food they find on the ground—as their bodies are bioengineered to resist invasive viruses and bacteria. Actually, I don’t think this could ever work. As I’ll discuss some more below, Nature is an endlessly cunning and resourceful hive mind, and no matter how we might amp up our immune defenses, those seething critters out there will find a way to zap us. Like spammers getting around spam filters.

This said, it’s obviously the case that we ought to be able to ameliorate certain kinds of medical problems with gene tweaks.

And of course cosmetic changes will be huge. “Do these new genes make my butt look too fat?”

One of the big carrots which the synthetic biologists hold out is that we ought to be able to design some kind of microorganism that eats inexpensive crud and generates energy in some usable form or another. This does seem more feasible and less risky than nuclear fusion. Specter quotes the genomic businessman Juan Enriquez : “We’re going to start domesticating bacteria to process stuff inside enclosed reactors to produce energy in a far more clean and efficient manner. This is just the beginning of being able to program life.”

In May 31st, 2007, I wrote a light-hearted sidebar essay for the online Newsweek magazine about synthetic biology. I can’t find that essay online anymore, so I’ll just reprint it here, with this notice regarding the text (but not the images): Copyright 2007 by Newsweek, Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission.

The illustrations I’m including are drawings of mine that appeared in my novel, Saucer Wisdom, which also includes some discussion of synthetic biology.

The synthetic biology approach is onto something big—a new version of nanotechnology, which is the craft of manufacturing things at the molecular scale. Synthetic biology’s plan is to capitalize on the fact that biology is already doing molecular fabrication all the time. What might happen if we repurpose biology to our own ends?

One big worry is what nanotechnologists call the “gray-goo problem.” What’s to stop a particularly virulent synthetic organism from eating everything on earth? My guess is that this could never happen. Every existing plant, animal, fungus and protozoan already aspires to world domination. There’s nothing more ruthless than viruses and bacteria—and they’ve been practicing for a very long time.

The fact that the synthetic organisms are likely to have simplified Tinkertoy DNA doesn’t necessarily mean they’re going to be faster and better. It’s more likely that they’ll be dumber and less adaptable. I have a mental image of germ-size MIT nerds putting on gangsta clothes and venturing into alleys to try some rough stuff. And then they meet up with the homies who’ve been keeping it real for a billion years or so.

Now let’s look at the upside. Donning the funhouse spectacles of science fiction, I envision a wide range of biotech goodies.

Every child is likely to want a pet dinosaur, and this will be easily managed once the online Phido Pet Construction Kit is up and running. Of course, if you prefer something cuddly, you can design a special dog with red polka dots.

Rather than mining for ore, why not let plants use their roots to extract minerals from the ground? Sow a handful of Knife Plant grain over a dumpsite, and before long you’ll have what looks like corn—but with a cob-handled steel knife in each ear.

Why bother building houses when you can get a Giga Gourd seed? The seed is the size of a pizza and grows very fast. Push it into wet, fertile ground and stand back. In a few days you’ll have a big, hollow home with plumbing and wiring grown right into the walls, which come complete with transparent window patches.

Of course, people will want to start tweaking their own bodies. Initially we’ll go for enhanced health, strength and mental stability, perhaps accelerating the pace of evolution in a benign way.

But, feckless creatures that we are, we may cast caution to the winds. Why would starlets settle for breast implants when they can grow supplementary mammaries? Hipsters will install living tattoo colonies of algae under their skin. Punk rockers can get a shocking dog-collar effect by grafting on a spiky necklace of extra fingers with colored nails. Or what about giving one of your fingers a treelike architecture? Work ten two-way branchings into each tapering fingerlet of this special finger, and you’ll have a thousand or so fingertips, with the fine touch of a sea anemone.

It’s easy to imagine grafting an electric eel’s electromagnetic sensitivity into our brains so we can pick up wireless signals. There’d have to be an off switch, of course, but the net effect could be amazing. We’d have true telepathy, and the ability to form group minds.

As the technology of brain-to-brain contact improved, you’d no longer need to send someone every detail of a plan, a memory or a design. Instead you could send something like a mental Web link, allowing those you invite to simply view your thoughts right in your own mind.

The biggest problem with manned spaceflight is the immense mass of the requisite life-support systems and radiation shielding. What if the truly determined astronauts could transform themselves into tough, spindle-shaped pods that could sail endlessly through empty space, nourishing themselves with solar radiation and directing their journey with the exhalations of their ion jets?

One last thought. Suppose it were possible to encode a person’s memory and personality into a single, very large, DNA-like molecule. Now suppose that someone turns himself into a viral disease that other people can catch. If I were you—sneeze—oh, wait, I guess I am. Are we completely agreed?

If Everything is A Computation…

Tuesday, October 13th, 2009

Today it’s raining hard for the first time in about seven months. What we call a “storm” here in the Bay Area.

So naturally this morning I was on the freeways, driving up to the Executive Briefing Center at HP between Sunnyvale and Palo Alto. I was there to give a talk for the Institute of the Future, who were hosting a meeting on the theme, “When Everything is Programmable.” I’ve written about this line of thought in my book The Lifebox, the Seashell and the Soul—and of course it’s something I’ve discussed in my SF as well.

I had a PowerPoint presentation ready for my talk, with the title, “Everything is a Computation.” You can see the slides as a PDF file online. I’ve learned always to post my slides in advance like this, as so often it’s hard to get your laptop working amid the chaos of the rostrum.

My message was that, yes, it’s useful to think of the world as being made up of a lot of interacting computations: physics, biology, psychology, and society. And, yes, if we see the unfolding stream of events as made of computations we can sometimes get a better grasp on how to tweak what’s coming down. But—and this is, I would say, the key fact—naturally occurring computations are unpredictable.

Natural events are orderly enough not to be random, but they’re unpredictable in the sense that there aren’t any shortcut methods that reliably predict what will happen over any longer period of time.

That’s why weather forecasts are only good for a few days out. That’s why technical analysts don’t always win in the stock market. That’s why the legislatures can’t ever really fix things the way they’d like. And that’s why no product design is effective for more than a couple of years.

This isn’t just my crackpot opinion, by the way, it’s a formal argument from computer science. In a nutshell: natural processes are complex enough to be universal computations, and, due to the unsolvability of the halting problem, we know there’s no simple algorithm to predict the behavior of a universal computation on an arbitrary input.

What to do? Stay alert, remember that you’ll be wrong pretty soon, and be ready to change. Trust your instincts…you’ll always be smarter than your machines.

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