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Archive for the ‘Rudy Rucker Podcasts’ Category

Podcast #88. “Hormiga Canyon” from TRANSREAL CYBERPUNK

Monday, December 7th, 2015

December 7, 2015. This week I recorded and produced a reading of “Hormiga Canyon,” a story about giant ants, written by Bruce Sterling and me in 2007. The podcast is about an hour and a half long. It turned out to be quite a bit of work to perform, edit, and produce it—and certainly it could be improved upon—but the sound is nice, and it’s fun.

This is part of a push to create an audiobook version of TRANSREAL CYBERPUNK, a collection of the nine stories that Bruce and I have written together thus far. We’ll be publishing the book in ebook, paperback, and hardback in January, 2016, with the audiobook coming later in the spring. More info at the TRANSREAL CYBERPUNK book page. Press the arrow to play right away!


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Podcast #87. Interviewed by Doug Lain

Tuesday, August 11th, 2015

August 11, 2015. Interviewed by author Doug Lain for his podcast Zero Squared. We mostly talked about what it’s like to have a career as a writer, with some mentions of my recent Journals 1990-2014. An edited version of the interview appeared as part of an episode on Lain’s podcast Zero Squared, with better sound for Doug’s voice. The version I’m posting here, six weeks later, is the unedited full conversation, recorded at my end at the time of the interview, which was June 26, 2015.


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Podcast #86. Beat Con in SF with V. Vale. TURING & BURROUGHS.

Sunday, June 28th, 2015

June 28, 2015. At “Beatnik Shindig” event at Fort Mason in SF. I said a few words in praise of V. Vale and Marian Wallace. Then talked on TURING & BURROUGHS, and did Q&A. Sound is pretty good. 20 minutes in all.


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Podcast #85. Reading from JOURNALS at Borderlands. June 13, 2015.

Sunday, June 14th, 2015

June 13, 2015. At Borderlands Books. I read about six passages from Journals 1990-2014, about 45 minutes, including long Q & A. Some passages read are the same as in Santa Cruz Podcast #84, but most are different.


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