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Archive for the ‘Rudy Rucker Podcasts’ Category

Podcast # 100: Conversation with Siobhan Roberts

Friday, May 12th, 2017

May 12, 2017. In conversation with journalist Siobhan Roberts, discussing math, logic, writing, and publishing. Roberts is the author of a great book on the mathematician and cellular-automatist John Horton Conway, Genius at Play. She was out in the Bay Area researching for upcoming projects and came by for a casual chat.

Press the arrow below to hear the tape of “Conversation with Siobhan Roberts.”


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Podcast #99. Writing, Art, Photos, Computation

Monday, April 3rd, 2017

Feb 28, 2017. Interviewed by Christopher Nichols for his podcast, CG Garage. At Los Gatos Coffee Roasting cafe. Relaxed, hour-long discussion about writing, computers, and art. Press the arrow below to play “Podcast #99. Writing, Art, Photos, Computation.”


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Podcast #98. Lifebox Immortality Talk with Q&A at UC Santa Cruz

Tuesday, February 14th, 2017

February 13, 2017. A talk on digital immortality, my novel Software, and the concept of a “lifebox.” Presented at Tim Fitzmaurice’s Core class at Crown College at UC Santa Cruz. Includes wide-ranging Q&A with the students also some remarks and quesitons by Tim. I read an as-yet unpublished story called “Fat Stream,” but I’m not including that in this tape. But my recent podcast #97 has me reading my story “Like a Sea Cucumber,” which illustrates the lifebox idea quite well. Press the arrow below to hear the tape of “Lifebox Immortality Talk with Q&A.”


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Podcast #97. “Like a Sea Cucumber” at St. Luke’s

Tuesday, February 14th, 2017

November 9, 2016. A reading of my story “Like a Sea Cumber,” as part of a literary evening at St. Luke’s church in Los Gatos. The story appeared on the Terraform website. Press the arrow below to play the reading.


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