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Archive for the ‘Rudy Rucker Podcasts’ Category

Podcast #111. “The Future, Jellyfish, Cyberpunk and the Transreal.”

Tuesday, January 14th, 2020

November 13, 2019. Julia Grillmayr of Vienna interviewed me for her podcast show, Superscience Me, and her episode is on her site, lightly edited, with an intro, and with some nice electronic background music. Here I repost my raw version of the interview as a Rudy Rucker Podcasts episode. The sound quality is great; Julia is a pro. Press the arrow below to play “The Future, Jellyfish, Cyberpunk and the Transreal.”


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Podcast #110. Million Mile Road Trip. And Memories of Michael Blumlein.

Monday, October 28th, 2019

October 26, 2019. Discussing and reading from Million Mile Roadtrip. And reminiscing about the late, great, and wonderful Michael Blumlein. Press the arrow below to play “Million Mile Road Trip. And Memories of Michael Blumlein.”


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Podcast #109. “Juicy Ghost 2019.”

Tuesday, June 25th, 2019

June 25, 2019. “Juicy Ghost 2019” is a fairly intense political SF story. For more on the story, and the full text, see my June 24 blog post, or check out my anthology Complete Stories. Press the arrow below to play “Juicy Ghost.”


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Podcast #108. Lifebox for Telepathy and Immortality

Thursday, April 25th, 2019

April 18, 2019. Talk at IOHK Summit conference in Miami Beach. 20 min. Lifebox, Natural Language, Telepathy, Immortality. Slides draft and an audio link on Rudy’s Blog at
Press arrow below to play here.


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