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Archive for the ‘Rudy Rucker Podcasts’ Category

Podcast #68. Talk. “Haunted by Phil Dick,” at SFSU.

Saturday, September 22nd, 2012

Sept 22, 2012. A mashup of my essay “Haunted by Phil Dick” and the afterword of my WARES TETRALOGY—discussing my imaginings of PKD and my Dick Award events. Delivered to lively audience at the Philip K. Dick Festival at San Francisco State University, organized by David Gill. In Q&A I I talk about my new novel TURING & BURROUGHS. Recording made by Kitty Gainer of Filmhaus Video in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Thanks, Kitty!


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Podcast #67. Transrealism, Beatnik SF, and TURING & BURROUGHS. Gloucester, Mass.

Wednesday, August 29th, 2012

Aug 29, 2012. Rucker’s talk at the Gloucester Writers Center in Gloucester, Mass. With an introduction by Gregory Gibson. Topics are transreal SF and beatnik writing, particularly that of William Burroughs. A reading from TURING & BURROUGHS, followed by Q&A touching on Burroughs’s cut-up technique and on contrasts between fantasy vs. SF.


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Podcast #66. Interview: Transrealism and TURING & BURROUGHS with Leon Marvell.

Friday, July 27th, 2012

July 27, 2012. In conversation with Australian scholar Leon Marvell in my back yard. Topics: TURING & BURROUGHS, Beat literature, self-publishing, transrealism.


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Podcast #65. Anarchism and SF Panel, with Shirley and Bisson.

Saturday, March 31st, 2012

March 31, 2012. With Terry Bisson and John Shirley at the Anarchist Book Fair, San Francisco. Talking about anarchy in science fiction and in reality and whether SFictional events can free the world. Some Q&A.


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