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Archive for the ‘Rudy Rucker Podcasts’ Category

Podcast #115. “Big Germs”

Wednesday, July 10th, 2024

June 23, 2024. Reading my anti-gun “Big Germs” story at the SF in SF meeting. In memory of Terry Bisson. And huge thanks to sound wizsard Rusty Hodge. Press the arrow below to play “Big Germs.” We’re using the new and improved .m4a sound file format instead of the old .mp3. If you have a prob you mignt need to update your player.


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Podcast #114. “Who Do You Love”

Friday, May 19th, 2023

May 19, 2023. This story relates to the death of my wife Sylvia. I read it an SF in SF event in January, 2023, and it was recorded by Rusty Hodge for SomaFM. The story appeared as online text in Nature Futures on Feb 15, 2023. Press the arrow below to play Rusty’s recording of  “Who Do You Love”.


And, if you like, Subscribe to Rudy Rucker Podcasts.

Podcast #113. “Logic, Gnarl, Writing, Painting.”

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2022

August 1, 2022. I was invited to give a plenary lecture at the Bridges group’s “Mathematics & Art” conference in Helsinki, Finland. Over my long career, I’ve used math, computer graphics, writing, and painting as ways to express myself, and to get clearer images of certain things that interest me.  Four channels, all looking at the same thing. Mathematical logic, fractals, science fiction, post-pop surrealism. It was good for me to give this talk, as I’d never quite realized that for me it’s all the same thing.  A draft of the talk appears with the slides in my previous blog post.  To hear the audio alone, press the button below to hear “Logic, Gnarl, Writing, Painting.”


Alternately, you can play a video of the talk on YouTube, and the video includes the slides.

And, if you like, Subscribe to Rudy Rucker Podcasts.

Podcast # 112. “Fat Stream” from Space Cowboy Books

Thursday, January 16th, 2020

January 15, 2020.Repost of an enjoyable podcast by Space Cowboy Books in Joushua Tree, near the Mohave Desert, performing my story “Fat Stream.” Cast: Jean-Paul Garnier, Zara Kand, Patricia Thomson, Tamara Good, RedBlueBlackSilver, and music by Phog Masheeen. Great show. Thanks to all. Here’s the Space Cowboy “Simultaneous Times” podcast site. And they’re on Bandcamp as well. Their full podcast also includes “Mandela” by Brent A. Harris.
Press the arrow below to play “Fat Stream.”


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