My son Rudy is working on his cool picture sharing site . Free!
Rudy can make computers do anything he wants them to — including splitting reality into an endless binary tree.
This weekend I saw R. U. Sirius and he interviewed me for a podcast on his MondoGlobo site.
I always enjoying hanging out with him. He’s slightly worried these days, he thinks he may have wandered into a parallel universe, further down the binary tree than the node where he was born. But I’m still shadowing him.
Click on the icon above to access my podcast. Great sound quality on this one; thanks to Jeff the engineer.
February 15th, 2007 at 10:28 am
Rudy, I’ve been wondering about parallel worlds these last few years myself. I’m almost sure we were supposed to have flying cars instead of message board trolls by now, and BEMs instead of IEDs. Maybe we’ve wandered off down what Pratchett calls the wrong trouser-leg of Time.
I put some pix on monkeyview – thank Rudy jr for not calling it monkeytube.
February 25th, 2007 at 2:45 am
Ken’s looking perky and serene.
That talk made my day.