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Panpsychism Story, Interviews

This week I have a short-short SF story called “Panpsychism Proved” in the august science journal Nature (very last entry in the table of contents). You can’t get it free online, but you can buy the magazine or read it in a library. Gee, if it’s in Nature, maybe panpsychism is really true!

An interview (in Italian) with me came out last week in an Italian magazine, Quaderni d’Altri Tempi.

And another interview came out today in American Scientist Online. (If the link doesn't work for you, try again later, I think the site gets slow when a lot of people hit it at once.)

I’ve added the two new interviews to my ongoing accumulation of email interviews as a single online PDF file, ”All the Interviews”.

2 Responses to “Panpsychism Story, Interviews”

  1. Mac Tonnies Says:

    Nice updates. I’m reading “Lifebox” now and can’t wait for “Mathematicians in Love.”
    Ant chance of an English-language version of the Italian interview?

  2. lenz Says:

    Poor italian translation. The translator obviously did not know what you were talking about with “power chords”, so first they appear as “power strings” (for electricity?) and then as “power ropes” (soo big!). 🙂

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