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Rain, Go, IAFA, Rods, Romanesco

More rain. Finally the reservoirs are overflowing. Last time this happened, Clinton got elected. There is hope.

Isabel and Rudy were playing Go here for a little bit today.

Time to catch up on some links that came in:

Steve Hooley posted some pictures of the IAFA conference I attended in Fort Lauderdale, FLA a couple of weeks back.

I revised my talk since then, here’s a link to the new version of ”Seek the Gnarl”, complete with a suggestion that lit crit start using Gnarl Theory.

A reader called majcher sent me a link to a Microsoft research project called SenseCam, it’s somewhat similar to a lifebox-capable vlog ring.

Mac Tonnies pointed out that my pictures of the gnats smeared out across time was an example of a kind of picture that saucer-buffs like to say are “rods”. I like aeoroform giant paramecia better.

John Walker made a fascinating web page about a very fractal relative of broccoli called Romanesco.

One Response to “Rain, Go, IAFA, Rods, Romanesco”

  1. Josh Says:

    Romanesco: Oh. my. GYOD!

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