Billy's Book by Terry Bisson
As of 2020, Terry Bisson's wonderful volume, Billy's Book is back in three editions:
Text-only paperback, color illustrated paperback, and illustrated ebook.
From Transreal Books.
The new editions supercede the 2011 versions.
And, sorry, there's no longer a free PDF version available.

Cover by Lisa Roth.
Book summary:
True crime for kids. Or is it the happy childhood you never had? Thirteen tales. A wry, fantasy children's book to make adults laugh. Reminiscent of such greats as James Thurber and Lemony Snicket. Penned by SF troublemaker Terry Bisson, and illustrated by transreal cyberpunk Rudy Rucker.

Author Terry Bisson.
Here's our first three buy links for Billy's Book: True Crime for Kids.
(1) Text-only paperback on Amazon. The text-only paperback is also other online stores.
(2) Ilustrated ebook on Amazon.
(3) Ilustrated ebook on Apple Books, B&N, Kobo, etc. Universal ebook link.
Billy after the ants ate him...
The book is also available as a large-format kids picture book. Fourth buy link:
(4) Billy's Picture Book. Large color-illustrated paperback on Amazon.

Billy's Picture Book cover and interior illos by Rudy Rucker.

Idealized image of St. Rudy in his cell.

Go git one! Or the Withc will come for you.
And, yes, her name is supposed to be spelled WITHC. [See T. Bisson, op. cit.] |